Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Trust Birth Conference

Only 2 more weeks and I will be flying to Redondo Beach California to the 2008 Trust Birth Conference...

There is still time and space for registrations for anyone wanting to go. Believe me this is an event I do not think anyone would regret attending.

There are over 40
speakers scheduled to present a diverse selection of educational topics....Breastfeeding, Immunizations, Herbs, Prenatal
Testing, Loss and Grief, Gestational Diabetes, Preventing Pre Term Birth, Birth Around the World and so much more.

PLUS pre-conference Neonatal Resuscitation Certification, Herb Workshop..... And Friday Night Trust Birth Awards Dinner honoring Michel Odent, Dr. John Stevenson, and Ricki

$100 off for nursing students.

They have been granted some ACNM CEUs, but all sessions, Including Trust Birth Awards Dinner keynote by Dr. Michel Odent have all
been approved by BRN and CAM.

Carla has even created a special Mommy track for mothers to attend that is for less than the full conference price.

I would ask that even for those who cannot attend think of donating to sponsor the conference sponsors for the Awards dinner where such Birth activists as Michel Odent, Dr. John Stevenson, Sarah J Buckley, Ricki Lake and more will be acknowledged for their extensive efforts in bringing birth back to woman and babies where it belongs.

Even if you cannot attend visit the web site and buy a few raffle tickets... there are incredible items that have been donated for the raffle.

Call Carla 918-720-2717 or 310-316-8542
Look for us at (Search directoraami)