I recently cared for a client who ended up with a repeat C-section, and just heard of a friends family member who also ended up having a C-section. Now both of these cases as well as numerous other ones I know of were due to fetal distress. It was deemed that the baby was in danger and needed to be born intermediately. This is fairly common reason for surgical births.
So my first issue with this and I base this from a medical place of knowledge, I mean I have worked as an RN in Labor and Delivery (please never hold that against me) If a C-section is being done for fetal distress, why does it take 2-4 hours for it to occur. It seems to me that if a baby is deemed in fetal distress and is not capable of being born vaginally then it is an emergency and the surgery should occur right away. If 2-4 hours can pass, what amount of distress could that baby have been experiencing when the surgery decision was made, not much in my opinion. Of course once a family has suffered the fear and disappointment and made this decision and the epidural has been administered, they have lost any hope of a natural vaginal birth. Yet in 2-4 hours the mother could be completely dilated and able to birth her baby.
Another clue to me of the unnecessary-ness of these surgeries is babies that are born via C-section for fetal distress and have an APGAR score of 9/9 This makes no sense. A baby who has been in distress (not getting enough oxygen and is compromised) in utero should never come out and score a 9 in their first minute of life. That babies was not in distress. That mother was railroaded into an unnecessary surgery.
Recently Time magazine posted and article by Pamela Paul on VBACS and the author of that article followed up with a post on the the Huffington Post
There is so much information that needs to be put out there to hopefully stop the C-section rates from rising so that there does not need to be this issue of fighting for a VBAC. We as women need to fight for our rights to not be misled. to not be bullied, to not feel like child abusers when we chose to birth naturally and normally.
17 hours ago
well said.
I totally agree! I'm glad you mentioned this, I always wondered about what babies APGAR score is after a c-section for fetal distress. From birth stories I've read in multiple places they usually are great. Thanks for confirming this for me!
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