I have been hugely absent from this blog for a couple reasons, first off I have been deeply immersing myself in study's, Doula clients and all that is life and family. Thus my blog has suffered greatly. Secondly I found that I was not truly expressing myself here, but instead sharing what I had found others where saying and then agreeing with them by posting. Well I suppose it is time I start expressing my thoughts and beliefs a bit more.
I tend to not want to offend, and sadly in the birthing world that is very easy to do, especially as a Doula dealing very often with the medical community. I see though that while I encourage the very families I support to share their wonderfully natural birth stories I am not living up to that, so time to make changes and walk what I talk :)
So my hope is to share a bit more here about what I am learning, what I am seeing and what I believe. Of course no one need agree with me but if it someone learns or finds value in anything I have to share, well more the better then.
17 hours ago
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